Devlog 3: planning and sprint 1
Hey everyone,
this week we focussed on planning our project by making a backlog of tasks that needs doing so we can have a clear view of the road ahead of us, after creating all sorts of tasks and scheduling and assigning them we now have a clear schedule of who needs to do what.
Our artists are currently working on creating the playable raccoon characters and creating the 3d assets for the starting zone and objects in the game.
Let's have a look at our main characters:
Main character concept
This week we started on the main character meshes for our game.
To start off the creation of our fun little friends we put together a character sheet of the raccoon that is going to be the main character.
This is also a base for modeling purposes, taking into consideration the different viewports of the character and color scheme.
The realization of the character concept is done in 3dsMax 2022.
For now, this is a first draft of the character realized in 3D. We’re not too happy with the outcome and the way it was made. It took too long for what it eventually ended up being and is not optimal enough.
Zbrush Shadowbox
Following pictures are the viewports of a quick sculpt done using the Shadowbox technique in Zbrush.
From now on we will be using this technique more often since it is a quick way of getting a sculpt with accurate proportions to the previously made character sheet.
The next step is sculpting the character in ZBrush 2021 FL so we can make sure we have all the needed detail of the shapes, to eventually retopologize the mesh inside 3dsMax.
This way we plan to have a nice balance between clear shapes and an optimized mesh, ready for texturing, rigging, and animation.
meanwhile, over at the programming side of things, our programmers are very busy optimizing and testing the player movements to make sure the raccoons feel like they should when you move them around.
They also have been working hard to make sure we have a reusable state machine so the game has a solid working system to determine the different states in the game.
that's all for this week,
next week we'll be here again with a new update on our progress so be sure to stick around to see our progress
Cya later fellow trash pandas.
Get Trash Raccoons
Trash Raccoons
The raccoon that collects and deposits the most trash, wins the crown. But who will trash the town?
Status | Released |
Authors | nillo, Robbe_D, nvanbouwel, BauwensJules |
Genre | Platformer, Action |
Tags | 3D, Multiplayer, raccoon, Unity |
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