Devlog 7: finishing sprint 2

this week concludes sprint 2, which means that all our features are now made and we will be focussing on polishing from now on.
Let's have a look at our final additions to the game.

Character blob shadow

To indicate where the player is relative to the ground, a blob shadow has been implemented. This is a kind of fake shadow that looks like a dark circle on the ground. Because it’s always directly underneath the player, as opposed to next to the player based on light direction, you can now tell where your character will land after a jump.

Thash-Player magnet behavior

The trash will now be drawn toward players like a magnet. It only does this for players that do not have a completely full inventory, because otherwise, the player could have an infinite amount of trash by making the trash follow them.

A texture swap based on the winning team

We wanted a way to indicate what team is currently winning, however, due to our UI-minimal style, we wanted a way to show this in the world itself. We’ll do this by placing billboards advertising the winning team throughout the game world.

Player animation

The player now has a walking animation. The speed of this animation is based on the velocity of the player.

The winning team becomes King of the raccoons

After a game has finished, the winning team will receive a crown. They will keep this crown until another round has been completed and the crown will be given to the new winners.

Replacing placeholder meshes

For the ‘town square’ part of the scene, we needed to replace some placeholder meshes, with the actual meshes intended, such as the fountain, brick walls, food cart, …

Positive encouragement 

Some extra player feedback we needed to provide was letting the leading team know they were winning. We’re implementing a sign that shows the text “GO GO GO” in white, along with an icon of the raccoon, with a white contour.

The white contour will be replaced, in engine, with the leading team’s color. 

Together with encouraging the leading team, it’ll also let the others know who to target next if they want a spot on the winner’s stage.


We needed a nice place to reveal who won and celebrate the winners. Now we can do that on our new, very stable looking stage. 

Congrats to the winning team!

Light setup

In the following video the difference between the default light setup and a custom light set up for our game. 

We implemented a directional light with some more warmth, some fog, and some post-processing. 

The only issue we experienced with this is that we encountered some overlapping UV’s. 

We’re still figuring out how to solve this issue for our imported models and our prefabs.

New level playable

our new level still needs some tweaking but is now playable for testing with all of the placeholders replaced with models and collision

New FX

We now have some FX to add some flair to the game

there is a dust cloud when players tackle each other

a dust trail for raccoons who are fast on their feet

and some fireworks to congratulate the winners on their victory

That is all for this week
Cya later fellow trash pandas.


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May 10, 2022

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